1 frozen embryo Cornet Obolensky x Ulrike van het Lambroeck

Ended on

May 25, 2020, 9:07:00 PM

Unknown Sold to

Cornet Obolensky
Corrado I
Urte I
Rabanna van Costerveld
Holivea van Costersveld
Ulrike van het Lambroeck
Dobel's Cento
Capitol I
Viola XI
Black Diamond
Chin Chin
Noblesse vh Lambroeck

Make your bid

Auction costs and vat are not included in the bid! (12% - 21%)

6.250,00 Your bid
562,50 Lot vat (9%)
750,00 Auction costs (12%)
157,50 Auction vat (21%)
7.720,00 Total