Exclusive broodmares in April Deals from HorseDeals!

Besides the straws, you can also find 5 exclusive broodmares in the April Deals that are running from now on www.horsedeals.auction! These mares will give an added value to your breeding and will ensure your top foal for 2023.
On offer:
- Kallgirl de la Pomme ( Nabab de Rêve x For Pleasure) Kallgirl is a daughter of Cordula de Laubry. In her damline we see no less than 14 grand prix showjumpers from 1.40m - 1.60m level.
- Carthana di Magico (Carthago x Lys de Darmen) Carthana is the full sister of Carthina Z who is the mother of Emerald van't Ruytershof, Diamanthina van't Ruytershof and Nixon van't Meulenhof!
- Destinee de la Roque ( Quidam de Revel x Kannan) Destinee is a daughter of Babbe van’t Roosakker (1.60m level). She's also the halfsister of Erco van't Roosakker (160m), Geena van't Roosakker (155m), Bingo (160m), Giorgio (160m) and Dulhan de la Roque (160m).
- Eladina PP (Quidam de revel x Grannus) Eladina PP is a daughter of Quidam de Revel and Ladina who jumped 1.60m level herself. She is also the halfsister of Padinus and Viper Z, a 7 year old stallion who jumps 1.45m level with Martin Fuchs.
- Faletta SHR (Quaprice Bois Margot x Capitol I) Faletta is a daughter of the full sister of Indoctro. She has several halfsisters and halfbrothers jumping at 1.45m level.
A unique opportunity to reserve one of these exceptional mares lines for your (sports) stable!
Naturally, there is also a wide range of frozen straws available, from both the best dressage and jumping stallions. There are no restrictions on the straws, so they are free for ICSI. Chacco Blue, Conthargos, Total US and Carthago are some of the regular stallions in the offer with Kasanova de la Pomme and Valmy de la Lande as newcomers this time!
The April Deals collection runs from 25 April 12am and closes from 02 May at 8pm on www.HorseDeals.auction.